I have had this sunglasses from Tom Ford for a while and the meaning was to use them with contact lenses but that never happened. So what to do with a perfectly good sunglasses when the eye subscriptions sounds like this
Right eye -4.00 sph -2.25 cyl 45 ° ADD 2.25
Left eye -3.75 sph -2.50 cyl 115 ° ADD 2.25
If your prescriptions power is over -6.00 many producers of prescriptionglasses stop producing curved glasses, in this case +6D.
But at least Shamir Portugal was able to do so and is known for goood glasses and great visual comfort. So I ordered one pair of progressive glasses from them.
The name of the glasses is Shamir Attitude III® Sport & Fashion
And best way to describe those glasses is to use shamir webpage
I chose to use sport to fit my personal needs and use of the eyewear.
Now the fun part to dismount the old glasses from the frame and,
The first step
trace the black frame and then order the glasses from Shamir and wait until they arrive
Now they have arrived and glazing start
Then its glazing and that takes time
And for them how like data here is glazing info

And then after all that you end up with one great product just look here

The light silver mirror and the dark green glasses fits perfectly with the chrome metal frame.
And as described in the Shamir homepage you get a comfortable and clear vision on all distances
See more about the frame
And the Shamir
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Great glasses. Great product from Shamir
that’s right Haraldur I’m wery happy for my Tom Ford sunglasses with Shamir lenses